Quarterly Brand Marketing Guid
4 min. read

Quarterly Real Estate Brand Marketing Guide

Wondering what your quarterly marketing strategy will be? We have your entire plan mapped out. Download our guide today!

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Happy Clients
4 min. read

Attract & Retain Happy Clients: Proven Real Estate Strategies

The fast track to real estate success is a two-lane highway: attracting qualified leads and nurturing client loyalty. Here's how to do both!

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American Spirit Marketing
6 min. read

Stars, Stripes, and Sold Signs: Sharing USA Hometown Spirit

Can patriotism sell houses? You bet! Read how Sarah Starsky turned red, white, and blue into real estate gold.

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Open House Strategy
5 min. read

Prep for the Perfect Open House Event - Part 1

Here's a comprehensive checklist to ensure your big day runs smoothly and attracts the right audience.

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Summer Real Estate Marketing Ideas
8 min. read

Summer Real Estate Marketing Ideas

The best time of year to sell or buy a home is during the summertime. So let’s discuss 5 great ways to kick off your summer real estate marketing and generate more leads.

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5 Steps how to host a Successful Open House
8 min. read

5 Steps to a Successful Open House

Anyone who walks through your open house could become your next client, or give you your next referral. Here’s how to make sure your next open house is a success.

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What are Corefact's prices?
1 min. read

How Much Does Corefact Cost?

There's no subscription fee or cost to create a Corefact account! Here are the four factors that affect the cost of your order.

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5 Tips on Following Up with Leads
7 min. read

5 Tips on Following Up with Leads

Five tips for following up with real estate marketing leads.

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